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J.W. Dickhaut Library

Finding, Accessing, & Using E-Books

A guide to finding ebooks through OPAL and some examples of specific providers of ebooks.

General Access Instructions

All MTSO ebooks are discoverable through the OPAL catalog. Follow these steps to discover and view these.

1. Open the library’s homepage. Click on the OPAL Catalog in the Quick Searches box.

2. This is the OPAL Search page.  If you are looking specifically for ebooks, you can set the Material Type to Ebook here:

3. Here is a results page for a keyword search of "ecology" and "theology."  You can see the link to an ebook for the first result.  This link will take you to the publisher's site, Springer in this case.  Each site is different, so there may be extra authentication steps or specific limitations. Some of these are discussed in the Example pages of this guide.

4. After following the link, your ebook will then load. Depending upon the ebook provider (EBSCO, Oxford, Springer, ProQuest, JSTOR, etc.) and MTSO's license, you may have options to download, print, save, notate/highlight, etc. Again, check out the example tabs for more information. (The name of the ebook provider is usually contained within the OPAL link and will be present in the top left corner of the ebook’s homepage.)